I generally don’t consider myself to be a worrier. However, one sunny morning this summer, as I listened to my thoughts, I realized that I was stewing. There were some things in my favor that morning, if I had to choose a time to worry. For one, I was walking, so I had time to think. I was walking, and the movement brought clarity of thought as it often does. I was walking, alone, and free from distractions, so it was the perfect opportunity to give voice to my anxious thoughts. “Cast all your cares on Me, because I care for you”, were the words voiced quietly back to my heart. Immediately I knew that God was with me, and that He was hearing me. Remembering that invitation was definitely another thing working in my favor that worry filled sunny morning. So I pictured myself picking up each care, and casting it at Jesus. Not just gently tossing the problems His way, but hurling them, with all the force I could muster. After all, I did not want those worries. That felt good.
There’s a better ending than that, though. What happened next will take longer to write down than the fraction of a second in which it happened. As I rounded the corner onto our driveway, the stand of wild Lupines was there to greet me. “See Linda?” Those two words from the Lord brought a smile to my face, and a feeling of calm over my anxious self, because I knew exactly what He meant. He was reminding me that the carefree beautiful flowers are telling me that I need not be anxious about anything. His attention to detail in placing beautiful flowers in the wild grasses reminds me that He is paying even more attention to me. The flowers and grasses are so fleeting, but my life is eternal, and He is heavily invested in it. He cares. He knew the Lupines would speak to me when he placed them there a few summers ago. That’s the best thing I have going for me - His loving and powerful attention.