I mentioned Carol and Murray in my last blog. They completed their two weeks in our basement, and moved on to another, this one in Steinbach, where they are close to family. Our time with them was fun, and they were good company as we chatted across the basement from our area over into theirs. We had the chance to hear a lot about their time in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Murray said that their jungle history gave him interesting perspectives that we wouldn’t necessarily relate to. For example, he was momentarily startled when the motion of our ceiling fan caught the corner of his eye. Apparently, in the jungle, motion on the ceiling spells RAT.
We were happy to spell out their quarantine as a success, and celebrated with with a walk together, but apart, along the Seine River. On this walk, we observed another perspective gained from jungle living that we just didn’t relate to. I have passed by this fallen tree dozens of times, and so has Kevin, but it has never spelled out anything to us. Had we spent years hiking in the jungle, I dare say it would. Apparently, fallen trees can be a short cut, a bridge, a short respite from the muddy trail, and even just fun.
In their eyes, this fallen tree spelled CLIMB.
And so we did, and it was fun!.