I love the story in the Bible about Jesus turning water into wine. He was at a wedding. His mother informed Him that there was a serious problem here - no more wine. Then she told the servants just to do exactly what Jesus said. The result was lavish, so much good wine. Her advice still stands. Just do what Jesus says. The result will be good.
Just doing what Jesus says puts an ordinary life into the realm of the Supernatural. It is encountering the Eternal One. Interacting with Him. What could be better? So the ordinary becomes extra ordinary - special. Don't you love wine?
My Story
My name is Linda Edwards. I'm almost 63 years old, and this year I will be celebrating 40 years of marriage to my husband Kevin. We have 3 married daughters. We also have two grandsons and two granddaughters. These little ones have stolen our hearts.
I had a nursing career, and retired from it in 1995. My girls were all in school, and people would ask me, "What are you going to do?" "Less," was the reply that came. There was a need inside for time - time to think, and time devote myself to the disciplines of my faith. I am a Christian, and wanted time to delve into all that this could mean.
Years before my career was laid aside to rest, during the new mother phase, I found myself at a Christian Women's Club breakfast. I was there as a guest, playing the piano for my cousin who was singing, and I loved it. I had a baby girl, and there was child care, so I went to lots of meetings, and heard a lot of inspiring speakers. These woman all had something extra ordinary to share. I didn't see any "special speaker" material in my life, but I still wanted to see God, so I prayed, "Lord, will you please make yourself real to me in my ordinary days?" Looking back I know He answered me.
Lately, I've been reading in the Psalms, and over and over again the Psalmists call us to tell of God's wonderful deeds on our behalf. One generation is to commend His works to another. That's what this blog is about. It is one way that I can take Mary's advice, and do what Jesus says.
“What makes us special is the signature of God on our lives.”