If you have read the “About” page of my blog, you may remember the quote by Max Lucado, “What makes us special is the signature of God on our lives.” This is exactly my premise, that seeing Jesus’ signature on my ordinary days and experiences lifts them onto a different plane.
This simple story is an example.
I was home alone, and the day stretched ahead of me. I anticipated a relaxed morning of reading, journaling and prayers. I read the water to wine story from the Bible, once again with great enjoyment. It always strikes me in a different way, and this time I noticed the words, “This, the first of His signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested His glory.
And His disciples believed in Him.”
One thought led to another as I journaled and prayed. The morning flew by, and I was just finishing up my prayers, and planning a walk in the desert when my cell phone interrupted my reverie. I answered to my nephew Jack. He was checking our home in “Winter-peg, Mani-snowba, and wanted to show me the mail. We went through each piece, and a letter on behalf of my Uncle George brought me up short. You see, my beloved Uncle George had just recently gone home to heaven, and his celebration of life service was that day! Although it was on my calendar, and I had been waiting to attend on Zoom, I had completely forgotten about it. I felt sick, it was as though I had betrayed him and my cousins. “Oh no”, I said in a quick goodbye to Jack. “Call my mom, she just picked up grandma for it” he said. I pulled up the link for the service and was not too late; it was airing in 19 minutes. “Thank you God”, I breathed, in a prayer of relief. That’s when I realized it - of course if the Lord was going to remind me, He would remind me on time! My thoughts went on from there, resulting in this text to Jack, “Likely you didn’t realize that God was actually directing you this morning on my behalf, because He knew how much I had wanted and intended to watch my Uncle George’s celebration of life.” “Definitely, sometimes He works in mysterious ways”, was Jack’s response, and I was happy.
This, just one of His many works, Jesus did in Mesa, Arizona, and manifested His glory.
And Linda believed in Him (even more).